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100 To Do List for Green-Living

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To Do for GREEN-LIVING  (100 easy & quick daily thinking and action exercises)

** Pick and choose the ones you want to do (in any order). Do one a day for at least 7 days.  Keep going for 14 or 21 days or more if you can.  Write or draw (or tell someone) your answers.  Be sure to keep your answers positive.  You may want to ask other people to find out their answers.  If you skip a day, just keep going. Strengthen your compassion for the Earth.  Build your “green-living muscles”!  What you think and do matters!  We grow stronger in what we practice!


1.  Have you ever tried to grow your own vegetables?  If yes, what kind did you grow?  What is one thing you learned?  If not, what kind of vegetables would you like to grow if you could?  Why?

2.  Do you like to eat vegetables?  Which ones?  Why?

3.  What is one positive thing about organic food? 

4.  Find a company that produces and sells organic food and write down something you find out about that company. 

5.  Do you think animals have emotions?  How would you go about learning more about this topic?

6.  Which animal do you think is most like humans and why do you think that?

7.  List one or two good ways that animals help the Earth.

8.  Are honey bees useful to us?  How?

9.  What is one way we can help honey bees thrive?

10.  Tell one new positive fact you learn about whales.

11.  Tell one new positive fact you learn about dolphins.

12.  Find out a fact about the Earth’s natural resources and the current human use of them. 

13.  What are 1 or 2 ways that people are trying to preserve the Earth’s natural resources?  Name one way that looks like it will be helpful and why you think that.

14.  What is one thing that can be made from recycled glass?

15.  Find out where and how paper is recycled in your community and explain.

16.  What is wind power?  Find out and describe how it works?

17.  Describe how an animal shows kindness.

18.  Name an endangered species and learn one new fact about that species.

19.  Find an organization that helps endangered species.  What do they do?

20.  Describe a pretty walk in nature.  What do you see, hear, smell, feel?

21.  Why are trees important to the Earth?

22.  What is “deforestation”?  Name one place on Earth where deforestation is a problem.

23.  Find a new invention that is helping the Earth.  Describe what it does and where it is being used.

24.  Recycle a piece of paper or a can or plastic and write down that you did it and when and where.

25.  What do the words “carbon footprint” mean?  What is one way to reduce your “carbon footprint”?

26.  Plant a tree and write down that you did it and when and where.  What kind of tree did you plant?

27.  Is clean drinking water hard to find where you live?  What can be done to help people get clean drinking water in places where it is scarce?

28.  Name an organization that works to help people get clean drinking water.

29.  Find where you can recycle batteries in your community. 

30.  Set up a place in your home where you put things to be recycled.  Tell about what you did.

31.  Have you ever bought something that has been recycled?  Find something in a store that is made from recycled materials.  What is it?  What company made it?

32.  What is one way we can help keep clean the air we breathe?

33.  What is the ozone?  Why does it matter to us?

34.  What is a community garden?  Do you have one or more community gardens in your area?  If so, where are they?  Call and find out how they work.

35.  What does “USDA Certified organic” mean?

36.  What does “non GMO” mean?

37.  How do birds help us grow food?

38.  Describe a pretty sunset.  What does it look like?  What makes the sunset colors?

39.  Name a famous forest and find out how the trees are doing in that forest.

40.  What does the word “sustainability” mean?  Why is “sustainability” important?

41.  Do you think we will use up our supply of fossil fuels in the Earth?  Find out a fact that helps you learn more about that.

42.  Name 1 or 2 companies that make electric cars.  Do electric cars help the environment?  Yes?  No?  Explain why you think so.

43.  What is an organization that works to help the environment?  What does the organization do?

44.  Name a law that helps protect the environment.  What do you think about that law?  If you support it, why?  If you disagree with it, why, and what would you do differently to support the environment?

45.  Look up write down one fact about coral reefs and how they help the environment.

46.  Name one photographer that has documented the beauty of coral reefs.  Do you like the photography?  Why?

47.  Find and watch a documentary about the Earth’s climate and weather patterns.

48.  Write down what you think about climate change and one fact about how it is impacting the Earth, animals, humans, etc.

49.  Find out and write down one thing that the United Nations is doing about sustainability.

50.  Name your favorite flower.  Why do you like it?  Where does it grow best?

51.  Name 1 or 2 difficulties with organic farming and how organic farmers are dealing with these issues.

52.  Find out 1 new thing about urban organic farms.  Do you have one in your community?  If yes, where is it?

53.  What is the difference between “recycle” and “reuse.”  Which do you think is best and why?

54.  What is Earth Day?  When is it celebrated?  Have you ever celebrated Earth Day?  If so, what did you do?

55.  What is your favorite season of the year- fall, winter, spring, summer?  What do you like about it?

56.  Name a country in the top 10 users of the Earth’s supply of fossil fuel.

57.  What is a current debate going on in the news that concerns the environment?  Describe one issue being debated. 

58.  What is “green” architecture?  Describe one thing you find out.

59.  What is an aquifer?  Why are aquifers important to the environment?

60.  What is a watershed zone?  Why is it important not to pollute in this area?

61.  Are the water levels of the oceans rising?  Find out and write down one fact about this issue.

62.  Find a way to reuse something you were planning to throw in the trash and write about it.

63.  Find and read an article about the environment.

64.  Name the title of a book about the environment and what it is about.

65. Today, be extra diligent to save electricity by cutting off lights when you do not need them.  Write about whether focusing on this for the day helped you do it.  What would be a good reminder to help you remember to cut off lights when you leave a room?

66. Today, be extra careful to use only the paper you must use.  Write about ways you find to save and not waste paper today.

67. Does your community have trash pick-up?  Where does your trash go in your community?  Find out and write it down.

68. How does a landfill work? 

69. Today, take time to examine a plant or tree.  Discover something interesting about the plant or tree and write about it.

70. Does your community have public transportation, like buses, subways, trains, van transport?  Is it used a lot by people?  If not, why not.  What could make public transportation better?

71. Do you carpool?  How can carpooling help the Earth?

72. Look around you and find a sign somewhere in your community that is helping people help the environment.

73.  Look around you today and notice someone doing something to help the Earth.  What did they do?

74.  Find out how much water can be wasted by a dripping faucet. 

75.  Today be extra careful to cut off water faucets after using the sink.  Write down that you did it.

76.  Read about elephants and find out why they are at risk of extinction.  Write it down.

77.  Find out and write down the name of one organization that helps save elephants.

78.  How does learning to read help the environment?  What are your ideas about that?

79.  Write down one thing you see, hear, or feel in nature that you are grateful for today.

80.  What is the United Nations’ “Agenda 21”?

81.  Write down one of the goals of “Agenda 21”?

82.  Find out one thing that your country is doing to help reach the goals in “Agenda 21”.

83.  Write a “thank you” note to something in nature that makes you feel good.

84.  Participate in a community trash clean-up and talk about what you did.

85. What do you think would happen if we all did daily things to help the Earth?

86. Help keep your surrounding free of trash, clutter, litter.  Start by cleaning your room or office and recycle things you do not need.

87. What would be some things you need to plant a garden? 

88. Do you have to have a large space to grow vegetables?  Find out one of the ways you can grow food in a small space and write it down.

89. Write down one positive thing about buying locally grown produce.

90.  What is the difference between being “vegetarian” and being “vegan?”  Write down the two definitions and what is different.

91. Find out and write one way farms are improving the care of farm animals, like chickens, pigs, and cows.

92. Look around you and find one simple thing you can do to help the Earth today and do it.  What did you do?

93. Find a company in your community that is doing something “green” (good for the Earth).  What are they doing?  Call the company and thank them for taking that step and write down that you did it.

94. Write a letter to a government official to tell him/her how you feel about the environment and your hopes for your community, country, world.

95.  Find out how you can join a community organization that is helping the environment.  What steps would you need to take to join?  How much time would it take?

96. Take or find a photo of something beautiful in nature and share it with a friend or family member.

97.  Draw or paint a picture of something beautiful in nature.  What did you draw/paint?

98. Pick an animal and imagine you are that animal.  Find out and name the place where the animal lives and what kind of climate, plant and animal life “you” need to survive.

99. Find an event or fundraiser in your community that supports air or water quality, wildlife conservation, trash clean-up, planting gardens, or other ways to help the Earth.  What, where, and when is the event?  Who can participate? 

100. Find and read a news article on the environment.  What did you read?  What did you learn?


Think of More To Do’s!   Think and Do Green-Living!

© 2013 LRWalker  


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle