Take a 7-Day Challenge for Green-Living Right Here!
Enter Your Positive
Idea or Action Each Day.
Each day for 7 days
just read the daily "To Do" below and send in your response using the online form. Or, you can enter in any positive
idea or action for Green-Living. It's easy. Just bookmark this webpage and take a few minutes each day to send in your
response. See what happens and how you feel.
You may want to use the RSS feeds forpeace, green-living, andhealth for
information and inspiration for your daily ideas and actions. When you read information (in an article, blog post, book,
etc.) or watch a video, this can be your action for the day. Increasing learning and awareness sparks new ideas.
(Please do not enter your name, address, email, or any other personally identifying information.
Positive ideas and actions only. When you submit your idea or action you give us
permission to publish it, e.g. on our blog, and share it publicly.
No personally identifying information is collected or stored and none will be shared.)
To Do:Recycle
something today. Write down what you recycled and how you did it.
To Do:
What do the words "carbon footprint" mean? Write down one way
to reduce your "carbon footprint".
To Do:
What is a community garden? Do you have one or more community gardens in
your area? If so, where are they? Call and find out how they work??
To Do:Today, be extra careful to save electricity by cutting off lights when you do not need them. Write about whether
focusing on this for the day helped you do it. What would be a good reminder to help you remember to cut off lights
when you leave a room?
To Do:
Read about elephants and find out why they are at risk of extinction. Write
down one new thing that you learn.
To Do:
Write down one thing you see, hear, or feel in nature that you are grateful for
today and why.
To Do:Find a company in your community that is doing
something "green" (good for the Earth). What is the company doing? Consider calling or writing the company
to thank them for taking that step. Write down some things you would say.