Enter your positive idea or action for peace, green-living, and health
using the form below! Enter as many times as you like. Or, take a 7-day Olymp-i-a Challenge (for Peace, Green-Living, or Health) online!
You may want to use the RSS feeds
for peace, green-living, and health for information
and inspiration for your daily ideas and actions. When you read information (in an article, blog post, book, etc.) or
watch a video, this can be your action for the day. Increasing learning and awareness sparks new ideas. (Please do not enter your name, address, email, or any other personally
identifying information. Positive ideas and actions only. When you submit your idea
or action you give us permission to publish it, e.g. on our blog, and share it publicly.
No personally identifying information is collected or stored and none will be shared.)